We often take electricity for granted, to the point of walking into a room during a power outage and still habitually flipping the light switch. On the other hand, there are plenty of places where electricity isn’t a given, either due to poor infrastructure or an otherwise remote location. To get common electric power tools to work in areas like these requires some ingenuity like that seen in this build which converts a chainsaw to a gas-driven grinder that can be used for cutting steel or concrete. (Video, embedded below.)
All of the parts needed for the conversion were built in the machine shop of [Workshop from scratch]. A non-cutting chain was fitted to it first to drive the cutting wheel rather than cut directly, so a new bar had to be fabricated. After that, the build shows the methods for attaching bearings and securing the entire assembly back to the gas-powered motor. Of course there is also a custom shield for the grinding wheel and also a protective housing for the chain to somewhat limit the danger of operating a device like this.
Even though some consideration was paid to safety in this build, we would like to reiterate that all the required safety gear should be worn. That being said, it’s not the first time we’ve seen a chainsaw modified to be more useful than its default timber-cutting configuration, like this build which turns a chainsaw into a metal cutting chop saw.
What is the cost benefit of this conversion compared to buying one directly?
If you have the stuff lying around already… I’d say the cost benefit is pretty good.
you can still use it as a chainsaw too?
The chainsaw, like the angle grinder, is one of those tools that’s just so good you have to hack it to do something else entirely.
Of course, then you lose the original function, so you have to buy another chainsaw/angle grinder…
One chainsaw cost about 100 a gas grinder 1000
I’ve a lot of respect for this guy’s skills, but a battery powered grinder is cheap, powerful, and has the benefit of a ton of safety features like anti-kickback protection. I know petrol grinders are also a thing, but I’d guess they have their own set of safety features?
I’d have liked at least to see the video start with some calculations as to the speed the chainsaw runs and whether the disc would be safe.
Anti kickback on a grinder? This is something I’ve never seen before
They make gas powered wrecking saws and you can buy different wheels for them. The idea is not new or original. The DIY is perhaps half and half. I am not sure if they don’t use different bearings and filters on the wrecking saws. As one who has used metal cutting blades in circular saws before I can tell you the motors on them are a lot less happy sucking in metal chips than sawdust.
The cutting disk says 5100 RPM, both gears have 19 teeth, the chainsaw seems to be a Piła spalinowa Magnum MG-P-5800 that specs as MAKSYMALNE OBORTY: 11 000 +/-500/min… it might be a medium great idea to try full throttle.
I would say a medium possibility hazard. I used to test grinders to verify the protection of the guard and can tell that the guard built in this video is not strong enough if he would blow the disc @ 11k RPM
The chain isn’t getting any oil and won’t last.
dunno, when I had to cut some copper pipe that big at work for a water chiller system, we just went to Lowes and bought a pipe cutter … cost like less than 20 bucks … took maybe a whole 90 seconds to cut
I dont like power tool life hacks, there’s little point to them and they always end up being the same, IE this thing spins shit lets add attachments that need to spin to work “HAXOR!!!!”
waiting for the adapter available on aliexpress
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